
Japanese grammar 1

My friend asked me a question about Japanese.

(Befor cheking the question, please understand 'こんにちは' = 'Hello')

Here we go!!

I'm a little bit confused about こんにちは!
You speak it Konnichiwa, but it's written " こんにちは" (my translator said!), like Konnichiha!
Why you don't write  こんにちわ? is there a special reason? or is my translator wrong?

In Japanese we pronounce ''→'Ha'.

But We sometimes pronounce '' like 'Wa'.

It's very difficult for me to explain the reason why!

So I'll show you some example here.

①こんにち = Ko N Ni Chi Wa / Hello
②きょうあついね。(今日は暑いね。) = Kyo Wa Atsui Ne / It's hot today.
③ゴキブリきらいです。(ゴキブリは嫌いです。) = Gokiburi Wa Kirai Desu / I hate cockroach.
④しゅくだいすんだ?(宿題は済んだ?) = Shukudai Wa Sunda? / Did you finish your homework?
⑤昨夜どこに行てたの? = Sakuya Wa Doko Ni Itteta No? / Where did you go last night?

You can omit '' from the sentence in ②~④.
If you omit '', It sounds like casual style.

Buy the way   you can see 'tt' at ⑤?

When you find 'tt' 'pp' 'rr' 'ss' and so on, please make a silent sound.

Check the '〇' below.

ぱい  →  ippai  → i 〇 pa i  /  many
たい  →  zettai → ze 〇 ta i  /  absolutely
た    →  yatta  → ya 〇 ta    /  I did it.

We always pronounce no sound at the point of '〇'.

That means 'っ' is 'silent sound' in Japanese. (〇 = っ = no sound)

But please do not confuse 'っ' and 'つ'

We have  'Small Tsu' and 'Large Tsu'

Small 'っ' = silent sound

Large 'つ' = tsu / ts

It's too difficult to expline Japanese Grammar (>~<;)


  1. Hi Jajii san,
    thank you very much for this wonderfull explanation!
    I think it has to be very difficult to explain japanese gramma!
    (In german there is a very complicated gramma too, but I don't belive, that
    I can explain it, although I use it for 40 years!^^)
    so you get my greatest Respect, to give such good examples!
    and when I learn more japanese, I will see and understand, I think!^^
    Thanx for this wonderful blog!
    Its so helpful, and I always enjoy to read!^^

  2. Hi Ookami san,
    Any question is welcomed.
    Please ask me anytime^^
    It's very inteructive for me.

  3. Hi Jajii-san( ・∀・)ノ
    I'm Sorry to disturb again,
    but I have another translate-problem...
    I tryed the Same translator once in German and once in English,
    and how expected, I got different results^^
    so I looked at "otaku-welt.de" learning Japanese Vokables!
    and I get a third possibility^^
    can you tell me what is right?


    German translation: du bist ein Freund!------Anata ga yūjinda!
    English translation: you are a friend!------Anata wa tomodachidesu!
    Japanese/German page: du bist ein Freund-------Anata wa otomodachi desu.

    Thanks in Advance
    Mata ne!^^

  4. Hi Ookami san^^
    Thank you for your question^^

    As long as I look at the results of translation you showed, Both say right answers.
    But I recommend you 'Japanese/German Page'!!
    ''Anata wa otomodachi desu = You are my friend'' sounds more natural.^^
