
Learn how to count the Japanese Number with TOHO(東方)

I showed TOHO(東方) Project last blog.
This time I'll show you how to count the Number of Japanese with TOHO(゜レ゜//)
                                                          (↑ Marisa From Toho ↑)
At First, please look this video↓↓.
(Marisa Wa Taihen Na Mono Wo Nusunde Ikimashita

Did you hear some Japanese number??
In this video, You can learn 1 / 2 / 3 (^~^b
・Normal pronunciation
1  = Ichi
2  =  Ni
3  =  San

・Old Pronunciation(Old people use it^~^)
1  =  Hi
2  =  Fu
3  =  Mi

・Very Very Very Old Pronunciation(Most Japanese don't use it, i think you don't have to learn it  ww)
1 = I
2 = Ya
3 = Sa

If you want to sing this song, let's say
' WaraNingyo Ni       WaraNingyo Ni     WaraNingyo Ni
  Gossun   Gossun  GosunKugi'
' Iyasa   Iyasa   one two three  one two three  ichi  Ni  San  '  × 3
' eins  zwei  Guten Morgen   IYa  IYa  Ichi Ichi Ichi Ichi'
' HiFuMi   HiFuMi   HiFuMi   HiFuMi    HiHiFu'  × 3
' HiHiHi・・・・・・・・・・HiFuMiYo  HiFuMiYo'  × 1

I used to listen to it in my car^^;
It depends on you if Japanese be difficult for you to learn it(=^・^=b)

You can see a little palody of Lupin in this video.

WaraNingyo  ・・・ It's a doll made from 'straw'. 
                             Wara = Straw  /  Ningyo = Doll
Gosunkugi  ・・・  It's a nail and the length is about 15cm
                             Gosun = 5(Go) 寸(Sun) =  5  ×  寸(3.03cm)  = about 15 cm

                                        ↑ WaraNingyo  And Gosunkugi ↑
                                           It's known as the tool of Curse.  www
                                                      ↑ Gosunkugi - Kun ↑
                                           It's a character of Ranma(らんま1/2).

Enjoy Japanese Anime and Japanese Culture^^ノ

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